Mag. Elfriede Karner, PhD

Klinische Psychologin (Klinische Neuropsychologie), Gesundheitspsychologin, Psychotherapeutin (Existenzanalyse)

Relevante berufliche Ausbildung

1991 - 1996 Studium der Psychologie an der Universität Innsbruck
1999 - 2000Postgraduelle Ausbildung zur Klinischen Psychologin und Gesundheitspsychologin
1999 - 2000Ausbildung zur diplomierten Legasthenikerbetreuerin
2000 - 2006Ausbildung zur klinischen Neuropsychologin (GNPÖ)
1999 - 2007Ausbildung zur Psychotherapeutin (Existenzanalyse)
2014Dissertation in Neuropsychologie


Relevante berufliche Tätigkeiten

1999 - 2001Teilzeit: Verein der Heilpädagogischen Familien
1999 - 2000Halbtagsstelle: Universitätsklinik Psychiatrie Innsbruck
2000 - 2001Halbtagsstelle: Bezirkskrankenhaus Kufstein, Neurologie
2001 - 2014Freie Praxis als Psychotherapeutin
2001 - 2022Universitätsklinik Neurologie Innsbruck


Lehrtätigkeit (Psychologie und Neuropsychologie)

2008 - 2015Zentrum für Gesundheitsberufe Tirol
2009 - 2011Freie Universität Brixen


Differential Impact of Education on Cognitive Performance in Neurological Patients with Progressive Cognitive Decline. Zamarian L, Karner E, Bodner T, Djamshidian A, Delazer M. J Alzheimers Dis. 2021;80(4):1491-1501

Cognition in multiple system atrophy: a single-center cohort study. Eschlböck S, Delazer M, Krismer F, Bodner T, Fanciulli A, Heim B, Heras Garvin A, Kaindlstorfer C, Karner E, Mair K, Rabensteiner C, Raccagni C, Seppi K, Poewe W, Wenning GK.. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2020 Feb;7(2):219-228. 

Sector Irradiation vs. Whole Brain Irradiation After Resection of Singular Brain Metastasis-A Prospective Randomized Monocentric Trial. Kerschbaumer J, Pinggera D, Holzner B, Delazer M, Bodner T, Karner E, Dostal L, Kvitsaridze I, Minasch D, Thomé C, Seiz-Rosenhagen M, Nevinny-Stickel M, Freyschlag CF Front Oncol. 2020 Nov 24

The neuropsychiatric phenotype in CACNA1A mutations: a retrospective single center study and review oft the literature. Indelicato E, Nachbauer W, Karner E, Eigentler A, Wagner M, Unterberger I, Poewe W, Delazer M, Boesch S. European Journal of Neurology 26 (Pt 10) July 2018

Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy or Frontotemporal Dementia? A Case Study, Benke T, Scherfler C, Karner E, Dazinger F. J. Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2017 January; Vol 7 (5):373

Cognitive outcome of pallidal deep brain stimulation for primary cervical dystonia: One year follow up results of a prospective multicenter trial. Dinkelbach L, Mueller J, Poewe W, Delazer M, Elben S, Wolters A, Karner E, Wittstock M, Benecke R, Schnitzler A, Volkmann J, Südmeyer M. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2015 Aug;21(8):976-80. 

Friedreich ataxia: executive control is related to disease onset and GAA repeat length. Nachbauer W, Bodner T, Boesch S, Karner E, Eigentler A, Neier L, Benke T, Delazer M.Cerebellum. 2014 Feb;13(1):9-16. 

Neuropsychological deficits associated with route learning in Alzheimer disease, MCI, and normal aging.
Benke T, Karner E, Petermichl S, Prantner V, Kemmler.  G.Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2014 Apr-Jun;28(2):162-7. 

Episodic ataxia type 2: phenotype characteristics of a novel CACNA1A mutation and review of the literature. Nachbauer W, Nocker M, Karner E, Stankovic I, Unterberger I, Eigentler A, Schneider R, Poewe W, Delazer M, Boesch S. J Neurol. 2014 May;261(5):983-91

Do patients with mild cognitive impairment understand numerical health information? Pertl MT, Benke T, Zamarian L, Martini C, Bodner T, Karner E, Delazer M.J Alzheimers Dis. 2014;40(3):531-40. 

FAB-D: German version of the Frontal Assessment Battery. Benke T, Karner E, Delazer M. J Neurol. 2013 Aug;260(8):2066-72. 

Kognition und Psychopathologie bei autosomal dominant vererbten Ataxien. Karner E, Delazer M, Nachbauer W, Benke T, Boesch S. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 2013; 24 (3):16-190

Demenz? Und welche? Benke T, Frauscher B, Karner E. Psychopraxis 2013 16(1):9-13

Long-term outcome of cognitive functions, emotional behavior, and quality of life in a family with familial hemiplegic migraine. Karner E, Nachbauer W, Bodner T, Benke T, Boesch S, Delazer M.Cogn Behav Neurol. 2012 Jun;25(2):85-92. 

Negative impact of borderline global cognitive scores on quality of life after subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson's disease. Witt K, Daniels C, Krack P, Volkmann J, Pinsker MO, Kloss M, Tronnier V, Schnitzler A, Wojtecki L, Bötzel K, Danek A, Hilker R, Sturm V, Kupsch A, Karner E, Deuschl G. J Neurol Sci. 2011 Nov 15;310(1-2):261-6. 

Is improvement in the quality of life after subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson's disease predictable? Daniels C, Krack P, Volkmann J, Raethjen J, Pinsker MO, Kloss M, Tronnier V, Schnitzler A, Wojtecki L, Bötzel K, Danek A, Hilker R, Sturm V, Kupsch A, Karner E, Deuschl G, Witt K. Mov Disord. 2011 Dec;26(14):2516-21. 

Cognitive functions, emotional behavior, and quality of life in familial hemiplegic migraine. Karner E, Delazer M, Benke T, Bösch S.Cogn Behav Neurol. 2010 Jun;23(2):106-11. 

Risk factors for executive dysfunction after subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson's disease.
Daniels C, Krack P, Volkmann J, Pinsker MO, Krause M, Tronnier V, Kloss M, Schnitzler A, Wojtecki L, Bötzel K, Danek A, Hilker R, Sturm V, Kupsch A, Karner E, Deuschl G, Witt K. Mov Disord. 2010 Aug 15;25(11):1583-9. 

Baseline characteristics associated with cognitive decline after nucleus subthalamicus-deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease. Witt K, Danieks C, Krack P, Volkmann J, Pinsker M, Krause M, Tronnier V, Kloss M, Schnitzler A, Wojtecki L, Boetzel K, Danek A, Hilker R, Kupsch AR, Karner E, Deuschl G.A. Aktuelle Neurologie 2009 September; 36 (S 02)

Neuropsychological and psychiatric changes after deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease: a randomised, multicentre study. Witt K, Daniels C, Reiff J, Krack P, Volkmann J, Pinsker MO, Krause M, Tronnier V, Kloss M, Schnitzler A, Wojtecki L, Bötzel K, Danek A, Hilker R, Sturm V, Kupsch A, Karner E, Deuschl G.Lancet Neurol. 2008 Jul;7(7):605-14. 

Verbal numerosity estimation deficit in the context of spared semantic representation of numbers: a neuropsychological study of a patient with frontal lesions. Revkin SK, Piazza M, Izard V, Zamarian L, Karner E, Delazer M.Neuropsychologia. 2008 Aug;46(10):2463-75. 

Orthostatic hypotension and attention in Parkinson's disease with and without dementia.
Peralta C, Stampfer-Kountchev M, Karner E, Köllensperger M, Geser F, Wolf E, Seppi K, Benke T, Poewe W, Wenning GK.J Neural Transm (Vienna). 2007;114(5):585-8. 

The clinical syndrome of posterior cortical atrophy. Karner E, Jenner C, Donnemiller E, Delazer M, Benke T.Nervenarzt. 2006 Feb;77(2):208-14. 

Counting complex dot patterns in Alzheimer's disease. Delazer M, Karner E, Proell S, Benke T.J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2006 Jul;28(5):721-31. 

Language lateralization in temporal lobe epilepsy: a comparison between fMRI and the Wada Test. Benke T, Köylü B, Visani P, Karner E, Brenneis C, Bartha L, Trinka E, Trieb T, Felber S, Bauer G, Chemelli A, Willmes K.Epilepsia. 2006 Aug;47(8):1308-19. 

Number processing in posterior cortical atrophy--a neuropsycholgical case study. Delazer M, Karner E, Zamarian L, Donnemiller E, Benke T.Neuropsychologia. 2006;44(1):36-51. 

Acute encephalopathy after intravenous administration of valproate in non-convulsive status epilepticus. Embacher N, Karner E, Wanschitz J, Beer R, Trinka E.Eur J Neurol. 2006 Oct;13(10):e5-6. 

Knowing 7 x 8, but not the meaning of 'elephant': evidence for the dissociation between numerical and non-numerical semantic knowledge. Zamarian L, Karner E, Benke T, Donnemiller E, Delazer M.Neuropsychologia. 2006;44(10):1708-23. 

Hippocampal formation involvement in a language-activation task in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Bartha L, Mariën P, Brenneis C, Trieb T, Kremser C, Ortler M, Walser G, Dobesberger J, Embacher N, Gotwald T, Karner E, Köylü B, Bauer G, Trinka E, Benke T.Epilepsia. 2005 Nov;46(11):1754-63. 
Language and arithmetic--a study using the intracarotid amobarbital procedure. Delazer M, Karner E, Unterberger I, Walser G, Waldenberger P, Trinka E, Benke T.Neuroreport. 2005 Aug 22;16(12):1403-5. 

Transient global amnesia triggered by the intracarotid amobarbital procedure. Benke T, Chemelli A, Lottersberger C, Waldenberger P, Karner E, Trinka E.Epilepsy Behav. 2005 Mar;6(2):274-8. 

Subacute dementia and imaging correlates in a case of Fahr's disease. Benke T, Karner E, Seppi K, Delazer M, Marksteiner J, Donnemiller E.J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2004 Aug;75(8):1163-5.

Number processing and basal ganglia dysfunction: a single case study. Delazer M, Domahs F, Lochy A, Karner E, Benke T, Poewe W.Neuropsychologia. 2004;42(8):1050-62. 

Neuropsychologische Befunde bei Stimulation der Basalganglien- ein Review Karner E, Wolf E, Poewe W, Benke T. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 2004, 15(4):287-301

The neuropsychological assessment of dementia. Benke T, Karner E. CNS Spectr. 2002 May; 7(5):371-5.